Animation Adventures

The Horse with the Flying Tail: A Timeless Story of Perseverance and the Human-Animal Bond

If you are looking for an inspirational and heart-warming movie to watch, then The Horse with the Flying Tail should definitely be on your watch list. This documentary film, directed by Larry Lansburgh, was released in 1960, and it tells the true story of Nautical, a horse who became an unlikely champion and captured the hearts of people all over the world.

The movie follows Nautical’s journey from his humble beginnings as a plow horse on the island of Grand Turk in the Caribbean to his rise to fame as a competitive show jumper. Nautical’s owner, Lorenz Petersen, recognized the horse’s potential and trained him to become an outstanding athlete.

One of the key features that set Nautical apart from other horses was his ability to jump incredible heights. Nautical was known for his signature move, where he would tuck his front legs under himself while jumping, which gave him extra clearance over the jumps.

This move, which is now known as the “flying tail,” became Nautical’s trademark and made him an instant crowd favorite. The movie depicts Nautical’s journey to the top, including his participation in the Pan American Games, where he and Petersen represented the United States in the equestrian team jumping event.

Nautical’s performance at the games was nothing short of spectacular, and he helped the team clinch the gold medal. Aside from the competitive aspect, the movie also delves into the bond between Nautical and Petersen.

The two shared a strong connection and worked together tirelessly to achieve their shared goals. The movie also shows how Nautical’s success brought happiness and pride to the people of Grand Turk, who saw him as a symbol of hope and inspiration.

The Horse with the Flying Tail is a movie that celebrates the human-animal bond and the power of perseverance. Nautical’s story is a testament to the fact that with hard work, dedication, and a little bit of luck, anyone can achieve their dreams.

This movie is perfect for anyone who loves horses or enjoys feel-good stories with a positive message. The movie is beautifully shot and features stunning footage of Nautical and Petersen in action.

The audience gets to see them compete in various events, including training sessions and behind-the-scenes moments. The music in the movie is also noteworthy, as it perfectly captures the mood of each scene and adds an emotional touch to the story.

Overall, The Horse with the Flying Tail is a timeless classic that has stood the test of time. It is a movie that can be enjoyed by people of all ages and backgrounds.

Whether you are a horse lover or not, this movie will leave you feeling inspired and uplifted. It is a must-watch for anyone who believes in the power of perseverance and the bond between humans and animals.

The Horse with the Flying Tail is a documentary movie that tells the story of Nautical, a horse that defied all odds to become a show jumping champion. Nautical’s journey to fame was a long and arduous one, but his unwavering spirit and determination helped him overcome numerous obstacles.

The movie starts by introducing us to Nautical’s owner, Lorenz Petersen, who was a pilot in the US Air Force. Petersen had always been interested in horses, and when he found himself stationed on the island of Grand Turk in the Caribbean, he decided to purchase a horse.

He ended up buying Nautical, a plow horse who was being used to pull carts and carriages. Petersen saw potential in Nautical and started training him to become a show jumper.

Nautical’s progress was slow at first, and Petersen had to deal with numerous setbacks, including injuries and financial difficulties. However, he never gave up on Nautical, and the bond between the two grew stronger with each passing day.

The turning point in Nautical’s career came when Petersen decided to enter him in a local show jumping event. Despite being a complete novice, Nautical performed exceptionally well and caught the attention of the judges and spectators.

This was the start of Nautical’s long and illustrious career as a show jumper. As Nautical’s fame grew, Petersen decided to take him to the United States to compete in more prestigious events.

The journey was not an easy one, and they had to overcome numerous challenges, including strict quarantine regulations and transportation issues. However, they finally arrived in the US, and Nautical’s talent was soon recognized by some of the best trainers and riders in the country.

Nautical’s biggest achievement came in 1959 when he and Petersen were selected to represent the United States in the Pan American Games in Chicago. This was a great honor, and Nautical and Petersen worked tirelessly to prepare for the event.

Despite facing tough competition from some of the best riders in the world, Nautical performed brilliantly and helped the US team win the gold medal in the team jumping event. The movie ends by showing Nautical’s retirement and the love and care that Petersen provided him in his later years.

Nautical had become a legend, and his legacy lived on through his descendants. The movie is a beautiful tribute to Nautical and the bond between humans and animals.

One of the main themes of the movie is the power of perseverance. Nautical and Petersen faced numerous obstacles along the way, but they never gave up.

Their determination and hard work paid off, and they achieved their dream of becoming show jumping champions. Another theme that is explored in the movie is the bond between humans and animals.

Nautical and Petersen had a special connection, and they worked together as a team to achieve their goals. This bond was evident in every interaction between them, and it is a testament to the fact that animals can have a profound impact on our lives.

The cinematography in the movie is stunning, and the shots of Nautical in action are breathtaking. The movie also features interviews with some of the people who knew Nautical and Petersen, and their insights and anecdotes add depth and meaning to the story.

In conclusion, The Horse with the Flying Tail is a beautiful and inspiring movie that celebrates the unbreakable bond between humans and animals. It is a tribute to Nautical and Petersen and their unwavering spirit and determination.

The movie is a must-watch for anyone who loves animals or enjoys uplifting stories with a positive message. The Horse with the Flying Tail is not only a remarkable story about a horse and its owner, but it is also a testament to the skills of the production team behind the film.

The movie was directed by Larry Lansburgh, a highly regarded documentary filmmaker, and it showcases his artistry and attention to detail. One of the most impressive aspects of the movie is the cinematography.

The production team did an excellent job of capturing Nautical’s movements and showcasing his skills in action. The team filmed Nautical jumping over obstacles from several different angles, capturing the beauty and power of the horse.

These shots are some of the most spectacular in the movie and showcase Nautical’s talent and athleticism. Another vital aspect of the production was the sound design.

The movie features a beautiful score composed by George Bruns, which adds an emotional depth to the story. The music complements the action on screen perfectly, creating a sense of drama and excitement where necessary.

In addition to the score, the movie also uses sound effects to heighten the sense of realism. The sounds of the horse’s hooves on the ground, the rustling of leaves, and the cheers of the crowd all contribute to the immersive experience of the movie.

The editing of the movie is also noteworthy. The film was shot on 16mm film, which was then edited and assembled in post-production.

The editors did an excellent job of cutting the film together to create a cohesive and engaging story. The pacing of the movie is perfect, and the different sections of the movie flow seamlessly into one another.

The Horse with the Flying Tail was released in 1960, and the production team faced numerous challenges in creating the movie. The movie was shot on location in several different countries, including the United States, the Caribbean, and Mexico.

The crew had to contend with hot weather, journeying across different continents, and ensure that they got the shots they needed in each location. The movie features interviews with various people, including Nautical’s owner, Lorenz Petersen, trainers, riders, and spectators at the different events.

The conversations were shot in different languages, and the production team had to translate them into English for inclusion in the movie. This was not an easy task, but the team managed to successfully integrate the different interviews into the movie, providing valuable insights into Nautical and his remarkable story.

Overall, the production of The Horse with the Flying Tail is a testament to the skill and dedication of the filmmakers. The movie is a beautiful portrayal of Nautical’s journey to fame, and it owes its success largely to the excellent work done by the production team.

The movie has become a timeless classic, and it continues to inspire people even today. In conclusion, The Horse with the Flying Tail is not only an excellent story about a horse and its owner, but it is also an excellent example of documentary filmmaking done right.

The movie features spectacular cinematography, beautiful music, and immersive sound design, and the editing is flawless. The production team went through a lot of trouble to create this movie but ultimately came out with a masterpiece that continues to be held in high esteem today.

The Horse with the Flying Tail was first released in 1960, and it quickly became a hit with audiences all over the world. The movie was released in theaters in the United States and other countries, and it was also screened in various film festivals where it won numerous awards.

The movie’s release was supported by an extensive marketing and publicity campaign. The production team recognized the potential of the movie and went all out to promote it to as many people as possible.

They created trailers and posters, and they even arranged for interviews with the cast and crew to be featured in various publications. The marketing campaign paid off, and the movie was a commercial success.

The movie’s critical and commercial success also led to a wave of interest in show jumping, and the sport saw a surge in popularity around the world. In the years since its initial release, The Horse with the Flying Tail has continued to be shown in various venues.

The movie has been screened on television, and it has also been shown in theaters during special screenings. In recent years, the movie has been made available on DVD and Blu-Ray, making it accessible to an even wider audience than before.

The movie’s popularity has also led to the creation of various merchandise and memorabilia. There have been books, posters, t-shirts, and other items created to celebrate the movie and its impact.

Fans of the movie can also purchase replicas of the gold medal that Nautical and Lorenz Petersen won at the Pan American Games. The legacy of The Horse with the Flying Tail is profound, and it has inspired countless people to pursue their dreams.

The movie’s message of perseverance, hard work, and the human-animal bond has resonated with people of all ages and backgrounds. The movie has also contributed to the wider appreciation of horses and equestrian sports, and it has had a lasting impact on the way people view these animals and the people who work with them.

In conclusion, The Horse with the Flying Tail is a timeless classic that has stood the test of time. The movie’s release and subsequent success have been a testament to the quality of the production and the story.

The movie’s popularity has only grown over the years, and it continues to be loved by people of all ages and backgrounds. The film’s long-lasting legacy is a testament to the power of storytelling and the impact that a story can have on people’s lives.

The sound design and soundtrack of The Horse with the Flying Tail were essential components of the movie’s success. The music, composed by George Bruns, played an integral role in creating the movie’s emotional resonance and heightening the sense of drama during the competition scenes.

Bruns composed a mixture of orchestral and folk-inspired music for the movie. The main theme of the movie begins with a serene and calming melody that gradually builds to a crescendo as the story progresses.

The music reflects the mood of each scene, from the quieter moments of Nautical’s training sessions to the more intense competition scenes. The movie’s score is also notable for its use of traditional Caribbean music.

Nautical’s origin was on an island in the Caribbean, and the movie pays homage to this heritage by featuring folk music from the region. The use of these sounds helps to create a sense of place and provides a natural connection between Nautical and his surroundings.

The soundtrack also features a lot of sound effects. The sound of Nautical’s hooves as he jumps over obstacles, the roar of the crowd at the Pan American Games, and the rustling of leaves all contribute to creating an immersive experience for the audience.

The sound effects add to the realism of the movie and help the viewer feel like they are part of the action. The movie’s sound design had to take into account the different languages spoken by the interviewees.

The interview segments were filmed in several different countries and featured speakers of different languages. The production team had to ensure that the translated dialogue was synced correctly with the visuals, and the sound design had to integrate seamlessly with the music and sound effects.

The movie’s soundtrack was well received by audiences and critics alike. Bruns’s score was nominated for an Academy Award for Best Original Score in 1961, and although it did not win, it remains a beloved soundtrack that has stood the test of time.

The movie’s soundtrack has also had a lasting impact on equestrian sports. The main theme of the movie became a popular piece of music for show jumping events, and it was often played during athlete presentations.

The music has become part of the cultural legacy of the sport and is now closely associated with equestrian competitions. In conclusion, The Horse with the Flying Tail’s soundtrack is an essential component of the movie’s success.

The music and sound design create an immersive experience for the audience, and the score remains a beloved piece of music to this day. The movie’s use of Caribbean folk music and sound effects also add depth and personality to the film, helping to create a connection between the viewer and Nautical’s story.

The soundtrack’s lasting impact on equestrian sports is also a testament to the enduring legacy of the movie and its message of perseverance and the human-animal bond. The Horse with the Flying Tail is a timeless classic that celebrates the bond between humans and animals and the power of perseverance.

The movie’s remarkable production, beautiful cinematography, and stunning soundtrack continue to inspire and captivate audiences today. Whether you are a horse lover or simply looking for a heartwarming and uplifting story, The Horse with the Flying Tail is a must-watch movie that will leave you feeling inspired and filled with hope.


1. Who directed The Horse with the Flying Tail?

The movie was directed by Larry Lansburgh, a highly regarded documentary filmmaker.


When was the movie first released? The Horse with the Flying Tail was first released in 1960.

3. What is the movie about?

The movie tells the story of Nautical, a horse who became an unlikely champion and captured the hearts of people all over the world. 4.

Was the movie successful? Yes, the movie was a commercial and critical success, and it helped to popularize show jumping around the world.

5. What is the significance of the movie’s soundtrack?

The soundtrack, composed by George Bruns, is an integral part of the movie’s emotional resonance and had a lasting impact on equestrian sports.


Is the movie still relevant today? Yes, The Horse with the Flying Tail remains a beloved classic that continues to inspire and captivate audiences of all ages.

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